Desi Ghee (Clarified Butter)

(Indian) Ghee (Clarified Butter) made at home from store bought butter.

The ghee we get in the Indian stores here does not seem to have the aroma of the desi ghee and also is much more expensive than making it at home yourself. Some of my friends make ghee at home using store bought butter so I thought I'll give it a try. To get the desi ghee (nutty) flavor, allow the butter to brown on a low flame.

2 sticks butter (salted or unsalted) or more

  • Put the butter in a heavy bottom pan and heat on low flame till it starts to foam.
  • Keep removing the foam with a ladle.
  • Allow the butter to bubble till all the foam is removed. Continue to bubble till it reaches the desired color (I like a slight brown color to my ghee so I let it boil a little longer.)
  • Let it cool and while still in liquid form strain using a metal strainer and store in a glass jar keeping the mouth open. All the brown burnt bits will be collected by the strainer. In a few hours, the ghee will solidify and you can cover the lid and store.

Ensure that the heat is low at all times and do not leave it unattended - the butter will burn in no time if the heat is increased.

If you use salted butter like I did, the salt will raise to the top with the foam and can be removed.

Step By Step Pictures

1 comment :

Healthandbeautytips said...

You just made it so clear with those pictures that I made it on my own for the first time in my kitchen. I used to buy desi ghee online but I was thinking to give it a try on my own and your blog really filled me up with that confidence. Thanks for sharing.