Pepper Lemony Shrimp

Serve on couscous or rice or as a starter.

Shrimp - 10 to 12, cleaned
Slice of lemon - 1
Peppercorns 5-6 - freshely crushed
Red chilies - 2
Green Onion - 3-4 springs
Ginger - 7-8 Juliennes
Salt to taste
Oil - 1 tbsp

  • Heat oil and add red chilies and slice of lemon.
  • Add the shrimp, green onions, ginger, crushed pepper and salt.
  • Stir-fry till shrimp is done.


Unknown said...

This is one yummy and easy to cook recipe. Thanks a lot for sharing the recipe Neelam....

. said...

thanks. hope you like it..