Muesli Chat

Muesli adds crunch and the dry fruits enhance the flavor of this sweet-spicy-tangy chat.

It was my brother's Birthday yesterday. He loves chat so this recipe is for you Omkar. Happy Birthday !!!

Potato - 1 cup , diced
Peas 1/4 cup

Cilantro and mint leaves - finely chopped - few
Finely chopped onions - 1 cup
Finely chopped tomatoes - 1/2 to 1 cup

green chilies(optional) - as per taste
Salt to taste
Lime - 1
Red chili powder - (1/4 tsp or to taste)

Spiced Ketchup - 1/4 cup or to taste
Muesli - 3/4 cup (use corn flakes if you wish)

Small sev - 1/2 cup or less

  • Bring 2-3 cups of water to boil and add potatoes. When almost done, add peas and keep covered for few. Turn off the heat.
  • Drain the hot water and add cold ice water to the potatoes and peas to stop further cooking. Drain out all the water and keep the potatoes and peas in the refrigerator till ready to serve.
  • Just before serving, mix all the ingredients except sev and muesli in a bowl. Finally add muesli and mix again.
  • Serve in individual plates/bowls. Add a spoon or two of some more spiced ketchup. You may also add a spoon or 2 of cold beaten yogurt to the chat. Sprinkle sev and serve.

You may also add steamed carrots, cornflakes, murri (puffed rice), toasted oats, dry fruits to the chat.

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